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Join our virtual mom tribe, where we celebrate the chaos, laugh off spills, and wear messy buns like a badge of honor. From newborns to teens, we've got your back.

Here you can anonymously swap stories, snag tips, and seek advice from vetted experts.

  • Neighbor dog barking

    We have new neighbors renting the house next door to us. The houses are close together and their dog barking is driving me crazy. It’s off and on all day long (deep and loud). And if we are outside, he barks at us right at the fence. I haven’t yet met this new neighbor….what do I do?! If you’re a dog owner, would you be offended if your neighbor voiced their frustration with your dog?

    Family Lifestyle 0 1 5
  • Returning to Work

    I have approx. 5 weeks left of maternity leave for my third child. This will be the first time I am returning to work full time in the office (with monthly work travel involved as well). What tips/tricks do you have when it comes to scheduling/managing home and work/childcare hacks/breastfeeding while traveling for work? I’m all ears for anything!

    Working Outside the Home 0 10 112
  • Where do you get ozempic?

    Ozempic, Mounjaro, wegovy, I don’t really care. I had a coupon last year and it ran out so I’m open to compounding, telehealth whatever! Aiming to not spend a gazillion dollars

    Selfcare 0 8 269
  • Give the good, the bad, and the ugly on Ozempic? I’m really tempted to start but nervous. I have about 20ish lbs to lose to feel comfortable again

    Give the good, the bad, and the ugly on Ozempic? I’m really tempted to start but nervous. I have about 20ish lbs to lose to feel comfortable again

    Moved Solved Fitness and Wellness 0 11 917
  • Husbands says I’m not “into” sex enough…

    My husband recently told me that I’m “not into sex enough”. Honestly this was major news to me as I feel like I’m doing an amazing job by just showing up for him with everything we have going on. Sometimes I’m into it but normally I’m so exhausted I’m like “okay let’s get this done” but again, I’m still showing up…

    Intimacy 0 5 81
  • Am I at war?! Neighbors dog shitting in our new yard.

    I keep waking up to huge dog dumps in my front yard at our new house. I have a camera so I know it is one our new neighbor’s dog who I haven’t met yet. I’m talking about a big dog here…front and center in the front yard.

    Is this a declaration of war and how should I approach this matter?

    FYI I love dogs, grew up with them, had a crazy border collie that ran wild and terrorized neighbors houses, etc. That was in the 90s though. How do yall handle this?

    All the Tea 0 4 120
  • Chemical pregnancy

    For medical reasons and a non viable pregnancy my obgyn offered me the choice to take the 2 pills (misoprostal) to attempt to miscarriage or go in for a D&C. Torn what to do and would love others experiences. I’ve heard sometimes the pills don’t work, and it’s also painful and can be a long process. Any advice would be appreciated!!

    Miscarriage and Infertility 0 4 43
  • My teen boy could care less about academics

    What are the best ways to motivate a teenager to care about their academics? He cares very much about sports, but could care less about academics. He’s very smart and if he just cared he would get the grades!! Is there any tips and tricks here?!

    Tweens and Teens 0 2 31
  • 15 year old - friends over family

    My son who is 15 (freshman in high school) is starting to prioritize friends over family, and spending all his free time with friends. I am mourning the relationship and strong bond that we’ve had forever! He’s even not wanting to give hugs anymore ! What can I do to maintain our bond, and also is this normal?!

    Tweens and Teens 0 3 31
  • Milk before bed

    My almost three year old still asks for milk before bed, and 2 out of 5 nights he'll wake up asking for milk. I'm afraid he'll be full of cavities any day now. Has anyone been through something similar?

    Toddlers 0 3 55
  • Picky eater - HELP

    My 4 year old is SUCH a picky eater!! I swear her behavior is linked to meals and being hungry. She seems to have such a small stomach and doesn’t even come close to finishing a meal. What can I do?!

    Feeding the Family 0 1 23
  • Marriage counselor recs

    Anyone have any marriage counselors in the Austin area they love? We aren’t having any major issues, just trying to grow our relationship more after being together a long time.

    Marriage and Partnership 0 6 128
  • Friends? FOMO?

    Truthfully, I have next to no energy for anything except enjoying my hubs and kids and feel like they are wonderful friends, partners in crime, and this family-centric chapter is exactly what I want to be doing. But. That part of me who has always been a little insecure about making and keeping friends is having a hard time. We didn't know anyone when we moved here and have a few friends, but mostly just ancillary acquaintances. I definitely try, but it is hard to make friends in this chapter and hard to keep up with the "maintenance" to foster those friendships into something deeper with kids and life. Sometimes, I see other people with much tighter friend/mom/couple groups (especially doing things together with their fam) or find myself not invited to gatherings within our circle and feel left out. I also know as the kids get bigger, a lot of our friendships may be dictated by what they like, which families they want to hang out with, and who is in their class, etc., but I still can't shake the feeling. Anyone have thoughts?

    All the Tea 0 4 110
  • Women’s Hospital of Texas experiences

    Hey y’all!! Gearing up to have our 3rd! I’ve always delivered at Women’s in houston. First experience was fab but postpartum nurses the 2nd time were not quite as experienced feeling. Anyone delivered here recently and had good or bad experiences? Thank you!!

    Pregnancy 1 3 31
  • Night terrors, fever dreams/nightmares, etc

    Hey! Does anyone else’s child have night terrors when over tired?!? Or intense and alarming fever dreams?!? Do I need to talk to our pediatrician?!? He describes weird things ab his eyes and distorted vision when we discuss the next morning.

    Kids 0 3 93
  • Aquasauna Water Filter

    Does anyone have an Aquasauna under the sink water filter? And if so, what faucet did you buy to go with it?! Having the hardest time finding one that works with it. TY!

    Favorite Products 0 5 87
  • Tooth Extraction for Toddler

    My 2 year old has to get a tooth extraction soon. Anyone have any experience with this or ideas on how to talk/ prepare them for this procedure?
    Much appreciated!!

    Kids 0 1 67
  • Sex Drive Rating

    On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your sex drive?

    From a tired mom of 2 boys!!! lol

    Intimacy 0 7 204
  • Do you provide dinner for your babysitters?

    I've never really known what normal protocol looks like. Occasionally I have ordered a pizza or something, but does anyone have a standard practice on this?

    Child Care 0 4 144
  • Ding dong ditching- okay or bygone era

    Hi mamas! I have a middle school boy who runs around with the neighborhood boy gang having fun, which sometimes includes ding dong ditching houses (all at a reasonable hour- like 7 or 8 pm). We have a neighbor that has lost his mind and is a total jerk about it. Growing up I considered this good clean fun. I have told my son to leave this house alone but it begs the question- is this an acceptable pastime or does it need to be left in the 80s and 90s? Thanks!!

    Tweens and Teens 0 6 182