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    The Doona is really awesome, very functional, especially for travel and when your baby is so little, sleeps all the time, it makes it easy to just pop out of your car, pop the wheels down and go, vs having to connect a car seat into a stroller (if you’re at Target, the grocery store, etc) but if you’re just looking for a good stroller then the Uppa is great! No storage with the Doona. Kind of apples n oranges since the Doona is a car seat and stroller in one.

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    This is SUCH a struggle because I was never taught about my hormones! And now at 34 I am learning about my own body!

    I wanted to share with the Mombrain community an upcoming event in Austin on Friday, May 17th at Vintage Book Store about this topic!

    There's a woman named Bailey who wrote a book and is on a mission to give girls a better foundation by providing hormone education early!

    She'll be selling copies of her books + hosting a discussion about this topic but she also does 1:1 coaching!

    Register for the event here:

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    I dread and hate the idea of packing school lunches for the next decade+. My kids are 2 and 5. My oldest can't have: soy, egg, peanut and tahini in her lunch due to allergies in the class (fml). Any favorite Pinterest links or accounts you follow on IG for lunch ideas?

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    We've worked hard to foster a family community where our kids don't feel like they need to be in competition with one another, but they're close in age and the same gender, so it seems to be happening some anyway. Usually it's over dumb stuff like who gets to pick the first song in the car or open the mailbox, but I wish I could make it stop! Would love any tips. It's not ever a huge deal, but it happens enough times throughout the day to frustrate me, and it's not a pattern i want to continue.

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    Hi! Sorry I missed this post earlier, are these still happening @Lemon-Jackal? First, how old is your 2 year old? Closer to 2 or 3? Sometimes night wakes can be a sign that nap may need to be capped a bit during the day--what time is your nap for your little and how long? If it's a timing thing, working on that first will help, and then depending on age of your child I can help with some age-appropriate tips of how to tackle those night wakings!