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Child Care

6 Topics 13 Posts
  • Overnight Babysitting

    Curious how people pay babysitters if they are staying overnight. Do you pay the same rate for when the kids are asleep? Flat rate?

    0 5 144
  • Do you provide dinner for your babysitters?

    I've never really known what normal protocol looks like. Occasionally I have ordered a pizza or something, but does anyone have a standard practice on this?

    0 4 132
  • School lunches, HELP!

    I dread and hate the idea of packing school lunches for the next decade+. My kids are 2 and 5. My oldest can't have: soy, egg, peanut and tahini in her lunch due to allergies in the class (fml). Any favorite Pinterest links or accounts you follow on IG for lunch ideas?

    0 1 121
  • Chasing that high not the extra lbs

    Really been enjoying a gummie to unwind in place of alcohol (no hangover!), but the problem is many leaving me raiding my cabinets. Anyone know the best gummy out there that doesn’t give the munchies?

    2 1 106
  • Costco Moms - is it cheaper?

    Thinking of getting a Costco membership to try and reduce our monthly grocery bill, but need advice on how to get the absolute most out of it. Don't want to end up using it and then having to constantly top up from HEB/Wholefoods. (We are a family of 4 and eat A LOT)

    2 1 93
  • Dating Someone with Kids!

    Would LOVE any tips on things you wished you would have done differently / things that you recommend navigating this new world of dating someone with kids!

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