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3 Topics 14 Posts
  • Almost 9 week old with possible flu - help?

    Waiting to hear from the doctor but we’ve had flu in our house and our nearly 9 week old has a fever and I’m just putting two and two together at this point. Any advice? I know there’s not a lot to do except Tylenol (as directed by doc), and monitor her breathing and hydration/eating/demeanor, and watching her fever generally but…any tips or encouragement welcome!

    0 4 153
  • Big sister not taking to newborn

    Hi, my friend just had a baby 2 days ago. Her oldest (21 mos) has been hysterically crying since being introduced to baby brother. Any tips/tricks to help her through the transition? I told her to put more emphasis on her being a 'big sister' and less about the baby.

    0 3 127
  • What is a standard night nurse rate? And are there any MUST ASK questions prior to hiring one?

    We’re looking to hire a night nurse for the birth of our third baby but have never used one before. We feel set on the nurse we’ve found, but I’m curious what the rate should be hourly, how many times you thought you needed one in the beginning (1-6 weeks), any questions we should ask prior to her starting, and just any tips for working alongside one.

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