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3 Topics 12 Posts
  • Sex Drive Rating

    On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your sex drive?

    From a tired mom of 2 boys!!! lol

    0 7 188
  • Try this!

    I'm never on the mood...
    I ordered from amazon - Foria Awaken Arousal Oil. It's designed to get you in the mood, it's not magic but definitely helps. Try it 10-15 minutes before intimacy. it aims to enhance sensation, relaxation and prometes climax. Smells great!

    0 1 44
  • Husbands says I’m not “into” sex enough…

    My husband recently told me that I’m “not into sex enough”. Honestly this was major news to me as I feel like I’m doing an amazing job by just showing up for him with everything we have going on. Sometimes I’m into it but normally I’m so exhausted I’m like “okay let’s get this done” but again, I’m still showing up…

    0 4 42