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Join our virtual mom tribe, where we celebrate the chaos, laugh off spills, and wear messy buns like a badge of honor. From newborns to teens, we've got your back.

Here you can anonymously swap stories, snag tips, and seek advice from vetted experts.

  • 4th birthday party ideas in Austin, TX

    My son turns 4 in March, looking for new ideas for his bday party in Austin. We did MyGym for age 2 and Play Street Museum for his 3rd. Considering Pikopye's but it's so similar to Play Street. Weather can be so hit or miss in March, I prefer indoors to play it safe. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    Toddlers 0 2 11
  • Pierced Ears Help

    Any tips on constant infected ears? Thinking it’s from cheap earrings, but hoping for tips on cleaning and healing. Thanks y’all

    Tweens and Teens 0 2 4
  • Pregnancy over 35 HELP!

    Hi Mamas!!

    I have 2 little ones, and we have been trying for our 3rd for over 2 years now! I didn't have trouble getting pregnant with our first two, but having trouble this time. I am also 37 years old!

    Rather than go down the IVF route, I was wondering if anyone has experience with natural ways of helping. Open to supplements, herbs etc.

    Miscarriage and Infertility 0 2 15
  • Toddler bedtime advice

    I am desperate for advice. My almost 3yo toddler has suddenly started screaming bloody murder every night when my husband or I try to leave the room. She never was happy for us to leave, but this screaming is next level. When she was newly 2, she had some bedtime tantrums but nothing like this. She has a 3 month old sibling, so I’m guessing part of this is sleep regression related to that. We have a very solid bedtime routine that hasn’t changed (bath, books, songs, bed). We spend so much of each day playing with her and connecting, so the rhetoric of needing connection does not apply here. Have any of you successfully navigated something like this? Or do I just accept that bedtime is going to take hours with screaming until my children are in elementary school? (Plz no!!!)

    Toddlers 0 1 5
  • Big sister not taking to newborn

    Hi, my friend just had a baby 2 days ago. Her oldest (21 mos) has been hysterically crying since being introduced to baby brother. Any tips/tricks to help her through the transition? I told her to put more emphasis on her being a 'big sister' and less about the baby.

    Newborns 0 1 22