Looking to cut down (possibly out) on alcohol in 2025. Any advice or tips/tricks? I feel like there’s a lot out there now for the soberish
Looking to cut down on alcohol in 2025. -
Leaving Workforce/ SAHM - advice!Could you prioritize your family while still working? That’s what I do. I volunteer at the school often more than a lot of SAHM bc I have childcare for my other kids. I work from home so I see them in the mornings and when they get home. I never work late. Don’t often do work dinners. I basically do just enough. BUT my career progression has suffered bc of this. Before kids I was climbing the ladder FAST and I’ve pretty much plateaued since becoming a mom. So you have to be okay about not reaching your full potential in your career.
I don’t necessarily think that these days you have to pick one. You’ll definitely always have to prioritize one depending on whatever makes sense for your current season.
I can’t speak to the nanny raising kids issue mentioned as we don’t have nannies but our preschool is so wonderful. My kids definitely were shaped at their school and learned/were reinforced morals, manners etc
I also don’t think you have to be with your kids 24/7 to be a good mom. I know a lot of SAHMs that are constantly numb and working moms who are refreshed to see their kids at pick up.It’s tough. Only you know what’s best for your fam and whatever you decide doesn’t have to be permanent. It’s just for right now 🤍
Best book you read in 2024??Habits of the Household (creating structure and rhythms in your house with kids) and Atomic Habits (creating self discipline).
I don’t read fiction but maybe I should start, looks like solid list above. -
Going from 2 kids to 3Yayy!!!! This exact thing happened to us. I cried for a very long time (weeks) bc I was so overwhelmed at the thought. I now CANNOT imagine our lives without our third. He brings such a good dynamic to the family and I’m SO much more of a chill mom. Nothing phases me anymore, it’s lovely.
What would recommend is to start out sourcing now if you can, so whomever is helping you is already in a groove once baby gets here. Postpartum is different with 3 bc life doesn’t pause. Honor yourself with every aspect of support you think you will need.
You’ve got this, I’m excited for you!! -
Sex Drive Rating3.5 on average. If he takes all the kids to school (with a good attitude) and helps pick up the house (without being asked) 7. If he does my Amazon returns, 9.