Former teacher with a June boy… send him! Def collect opinions from their preschool teachers and seasoned friends if you want…. But whatever you think is best is best!!! You know your kid better than anyone else! Just remember a KG teacher’s job is to teach KG… not 1st grade bc some ppl choose to hold their child. Of course all teachers meet their kids where they’re at, but they are beholden to KG curriculum, not kids who’ve been red-shirted. Also… it’s REALLY hard to fail KG!!!!!!! Most kids who repeat kinder do so bc of a lack emotional maturity rather than academic… keep in mind that even if your child is being held back bc of a late birthday they can still struggle academically. One does not cancel out the other. Listen to your momma heart… it knows!!!!
brown horse
Do I hold my June Baby Back for Kindergarten? -
Kindergarten Help!Also… GRACE FOR THE TEACHERS!!!!!!! That is a hard freaking job and you’re worried about your ONE kid while they have a whole class to worry about!!!!!! Just try to have perspective and patience and lead with love and grace!!!!!
Kindergarten Help!Excellent suggestions above!!! Grace upon grace upon grace….. for everyone!!!!!!!!! Def meet with a snack and say as little as possible… unless your kid is bubbling with info! Set some time for them to decompress, then get outside for some fresh air!!! I got a lot of info in the bath at night… low pressure, just chatting and learning about their day. Main thing is follow THEIR lead and grace for you, your kid and your family!!!!!!
Scared of shadowGet a flashlight and make shadow puppets on the wall and read Bear Shadow!
Repeating kindergartenI am a former kindergarten teacher and I think if the teachers are not recommending retention, then you should do some tutoring over the summer and send her to 1st grade. Chat me for more info!
Chapter book recommendations to read to kids at bedtime?Geronimo Stilton
The Chocolate Touch