Thanks! Glad everyone likes it. The company doesn’t have gold faucets available so we’re also trying to find one that will work with it. So far not any do.
Purple Cat
Aquasauna Water Filter -
Aquasauna Water FilterDoes anyone have an Aquasauna under the sink water filter? And if so, what faucet did you buy to go with it?! Having the hardest time finding one that works with it. TY!
Leaving Workforce/ SAHM - advice!I think it’s definitely personality and often takes trying staying home to see if it’s for you. I tried and just felt my mental health suffering so decided it wasn’t for me and I was a better mom if I was working outside the home. With that being said, I think having a job that is flexible makes all the difference in the world. If you’re able to figure out your job/a job that has the flexibility to do things like drop off/pickup, school events, time off when they have time off etc, it makes working and being a mom much more doable and “best of both worlds” type feeling. But again, everyone is different so maybe try it out and see if it’s for you! And if not, you’ll know.
Best non toxic make up for me and tween daughter?Definitely ilia! It’s very light so it doesn’t cake on which is probably helpful with new makeup users. All clean too. I like the serum skin tint for “foundation”, mascara, stick blush- all of its great!
Kindergarten Help!My advice is to not schedule things after school for a while as well. They are physically and emotionally tired! Make sure they can come home and chill/break down, whatever they need. Also something that has helped my girls after school is a healthy protein snack. They are usually needing it and helps them not lose it and regulate. Reading their mood and when they’re ready to talk about the day etc, not pushing it. Making sure they get a substantial breakfast - even if it’s small, protein to start them off well for the day.
HemorrhoidsNot much helps…they do seem to get better further from having kids but still come and go.
Average amount of sex per week??@SpilledMilk wish I had the time during day! 2 times a week average
Average amount of sex per week??@SpilledMilk daytime?!
Edibles? Need help sleepingMagnesium cream works for me
Bassinet Recommendations?We used the Halo, but honestly not for long until moving to crib. There are a lot of cheaper bassinets these days that would work just the same!
How to make school mornings run more efficiently with 4 under 4, unorganized mom, two story house- woofDo lunches night before, set out whatever breakfast will be the night before, lay out week of clothes on Sundays so clothes are ready to go. Those are our best tips. Also, wake up before your kids.