Pregnancy over 35 HELP!
Hi Mamas!!
I have 2 little ones, and we have been trying for our 3rd for over 2 years now! I didn't have trouble getting pregnant with our first two, but having trouble this time. I am also 37 years old!
Rather than go down the IVF route, I was wondering if anyone has experience with natural ways of helping. Open to supplements, herbs etc.
Hi! I do not have experience with natural ways to help the process - but I have experience with IUI and IVF if you ever want to chat about that. I know it is so frustrating and I am sending you lots of love.
Look into the book/website “it starts with the egg”. I had a friend follow that, and she swore by this prenatal:
I'm sure you've already tried Acupuncture? That helped me dilate before labor. Go to an acupuncturist that specializes in maternal medicine. No promises but worth a shot! If anything it might relieve some stress and give you a glimpse of control.
Same 38 years old over here, I take Vitex, COQ10, vitamin D, omega 3 and folic acid personal. Blood work is good haven’t done anything to prevent over the past year! Nothing yet but really hoping 2025 is our year. This sucks
Dr. Lisa with Roots & Wings Wellness works with couples on their fertility journey.
I was told to take the following supplements:
- CoQ10 (atleast 400 mg daily supposed to improve egg quality)
- Lumebox Infra red light therapy
Also of course all the other things, eat healthy, sleep and TRY to reduce stress (easier said than done).
I've also heard about CoQ10 being great for fertility. Acupuncture can be great to promote good blow flow along with seeing a chiropractor. The spine touches every nerve in the body and each nerve touches every organ in the body. Also make sure to get basic labs done to check hormones and thyroid function. Good luck Mama!