I wish I would have asked for a Registered Nurse referral (which I found out later is often covered under insurance) because I felt so depleted (breast feeding) and didn't know how to properly "refuel". I needed the basics without the internet trying to sell me on something that was going to do more harm than good.
Postpartum Appointment Questions? -
PodcastFor funny: Your Mom's House (comedians) For information, realness & laughs: Suburban Burnout. Ill add in a random one about Woody Harrelson dad called Son of a Hitman.
Mourning Being “Done”As a grief specialist, I believe that every ending involves a form of grief. Please feel free to take it or leave it but I would suggest these steps..
1)Giving thanks: Take time to reflect on and give thanks for your body and the incredible experiences it has given you. Write down the ways this journey has shaped who you are today and what it has taught you. Celebrate the strength and beauty of the process that brought you joy and desire.
2)Letting go:Letting go of a former version of yourself is a form of grief. Write down everything you are releasing from this experience. It could be expectations, identities, or emotions. Then, hold a symbolic act, like a burning ceremony, to honor this transition. Visualize the person you are becoming, fully immersed in caring for yourself, your family, and your future. Consider what else you need to "birth," whether big or small.
3)Daily Gratitude Practice: Incorporating gratitude into your daily routine is transformative. It was a game changer for me during my second pregnancy and after the loss of my sister. The science behind gratitude’s ability to rewire the brain is remarkable, it helps shift your focus toward joy and resilience. -
Managing burnout and talking to your partner about parenting (and other) issuesThe only thing I could add to the three steps Amie suggested is trying to understand my husbands communication and learning style was a game changer. We have been together for 18 years and it took me 12 to fully understand how he processes any information. Big decisions and conversations were so hard to navigate so I started reading about adult ADD and ADHD brains and it was a HUGE lightbulb moment for me. The way he process information is 100% different than me. It has taken time to find a groove to communication but I feel like after we had a conversation about how we process information we found a compromise.
Podcast rec!Suburban Burnout Podcast https://www.suburbanburnout.com/ all about the chaos of parenting, relationships, and suburban life with a mix of humor, real talk, and expert advice.