How do you do it all?
How does everyone work like you don’t have kids and parent like you don’t have a job?
I'm a stay at home mom and I wonder the same thing about other moms!! I can't even finish laundry or workout!! How are they doing it?
Such a good question and tale as old as time. My answer: You don't.
If you're working then you have to outsource. Hire someone to fold your laundry and clean up the kitchen a couple times a week, out source lawn care, grocery shopping etc
This is the only way that I have found that it's manageable. I absolutely do not want to spend the time with my kids frantically trying to stay afloat...I doubt any of us do. It is expensive to hire help, but it's priceless for the sanity saving aspect.
You just simply cannot do two full time jobs. At least, I haven't been able to! -
To echo the other response here, you don't. You can't have it all, all at one time. Outsourcing what you can to the point that it aligns with your finances is the first step. Especially the mindless stuff that doesn't require you to be the one to do it. Laundry, cleaning, etc can be done by anyone, so really try and pull back hours of your life there, if you can. Being ruthless with your time is another way to chip away at "all" you have to do. That means that you can't say yes to everything because one yes is a no to something else, because doing it "all" is impossible. This is a larger step I personally took, but I changed how I work and launched my own consultancy so I didn't have to be online 8=10 hours a day, be in an office, or travel extensively for work. This gave me my life back when I need it most, during these really demanding years for my family. There's a lot of "letting go" of what doesn't matter attached to the idea of 'doing it all,' and I think most moms need to have that convo with themselves on what they value and prioritize semi-often so they stay sane and true to themselves!
You can have a clean house, happy kids or a hot wife. Choose 2. There’s no way to do it all.
@Blue-Cat-Dog if you figure this out let me know…sometimes I just can’t. But, I received a note from my 3-year-old’s teacher after our conference that gave me chills and made me cry today, filling me with hope, inspiration, love, gratitude and ENERGY! At the end of the note she wrote that she loved being able to lead her (my daughter) closer to Jesus. Assuming you have young kids, I think we have to try harder than ever these days to keep and maintain an attitude of gratitude as life is just hectic right now. And, a solution here I think is to be sure and view EVERYTHING, good and bad, through the lens of leading ourselves and our families closer to Jesus. It’s a wonderful thought. Good luck I’m pulling for you.