7 day stomach bug or flu?!
No idea, but our pediatrician once told me that younger kids GI systems move slower and so it takes longer for them to get over stomach stuff. So it's not abnormal for them to feel better and then puke again. That's a really non scientific way of explaining what she explained to me but that's how i understood it. Godspeed!
I’m so sorry you are dealing with this! I personally put activated charcoal in my toddler’s water when he has tummy bugs. The AC will bind any bugs/toxins in their system and help eliminate it. I also personally take it when my toddler is sick as a preventative measure. You can get the activated charcoal at Whole Foods or Natural Grocers.
That’s terrible. I do not envy you. I forgot about the activated charcoal but I’ve definitely used it before on myself and kids. I don’t think it works if it’s a virus and you just have to let it run its course but maybe I’m mistaken. Def for food poisoning and other tummy bugs. Yours sounds intense tho. So sorry!!
NOROVIRUS!!! Ahhh it’s the effing worst!! You have to bleach all surfaces multiple times a day, especially the bathroom, for WEEKS. Even after symptoms go away. We had it last year and ended up in the ER for fluids, pain medicine and zofran. It’s awful, hang in there!!!
We had a doctor tell us that the stomach bug can last up to 14 days!!! AWFUL!!! Also activated charcoal has saved us too!! Even if they feel better hold off on real food...even though with the younger ones it's so hard to tell them they can't eat!