Lincoln Lawyer, the series not the movie, has been our favorite! Others we’ve watched lately have been mentioned. If you want a feel good movie, The boys in the boat!
Fav TV Series to Watch with Husband? -
Picking SchoolsHard to answer that question right now, I have 3 at the elementary level in Eanes. I think if they are able to wait till mid January they may have a better look at what the coming years in Eanes will look like. What I can say is that this community will fight for their kids education and if the board doesn’t get on the same page it’s going to be interesting what happens.
Best go-to easy dinnerCrunch wraps! We do siete seasoned taco meat, queso, tomatoes, avocados etc… they can be tricky to fold at first but you get the hang of it and it’ll become a family favorite!!
Do I hold my June Baby Back for Kindergarten?I say send them. The “hold back” culture is getting a little out of hand. I have 4 summer babies and they have or will start all with their appropriate year. There has been zero issues and even if behind in the beginning academically or socially they have all evened out and are thriving.