I'm never on the mood...
I ordered from amazon - Foria Awaken Arousal Oil. It's designed to get you in the mood, it's not magic but definitely helps. Try it 10-15 minutes before intimacy. it aims to enhance sensation, relaxation and prometes climax. Smells great!
Colorful three
Try this! -
Two-year old only wants to be heldI have the same issue with my third kid, he's almost three and doesn't want my husband holding him or give him a bath, anything he needs he only wants me to do it. It's EXHAUSTING!! I constantly need a break from him, I feel bad typing this but its really hard to be needed constantly and with no end in sight.
How do you do it all?I'm a stay at home mom and I wonder the same thing about other moms!! I can't even finish laundry or workout!! How are they doing it?
College saving tipsI'm so confused about the 529s. If they decide not to do collage (hopefully in 15+ years there's another options that's not as expensive) they can't use the money towards anything other than education. Are there any other options?
Milk before bedMy almost three year old still asks for milk before bed, and 2 out of 5 nights he'll wake up asking for milk. I'm afraid he'll be full of cavities any day now. Has anyone been through something similar?
Home + Work + MoneyI've been a stay at home mom for the past 6+ years, married for 10 and always relied on my husbands job. I want to start making my own money, saving for trips, bathroom remodel, nice jewelry etc. Where can I find a job that allows me to juggle the house work (laundry, meals, cleaning, drop off, pick up, after school classes etc) and actually make some money? IS THIS A UNICORN I'M LOOKING FOR?