The Timothy Center is wonderful! I see Jennifer Hicks. Been going for 4 years.
Therapist -
Breast Implants & Avoiding Breastplant IllnessI had a friend in Dallas at the beginning of April, who had to redo her breast lift and decided to take out the implants and do lipo fat grafting as her "filler". She used Dr. Sam Jejurikar.
What do you wish your friends without kids knew?As someone who doesn't currently have kids, I would love to know how to actively support my friends that do. I never want to be in the way because I know the "sometimes it's just easier to do it myself" is a real thing.
Minimizing STUFFI'm someone who typically gets in over my head when it comes to organizing because I'm like it "all needs to go!" but I've found if I set like 30 minutes and pick a small section, I'm more effective. Example: my closet, is organized by short/sleeveless and long sleeve and then color. So I would go and try on everything in one color a day. That way it wasn't overwhelming but I could see the progress.
Chapter book recommendations to read to kids at bedtime?Nancy Drew
Dyslexia: Advice, tips or guidance?I have a bit of dyslexia and ADD, from probably 7th grade on, my mom would get me books on tape (I guess Audible now) so that I could hear the words, and follow along. It was super helpful in building my confidence because I hated popcorn reading because I’d pronounce a word wrong. This helped because I already had heard it.