Chapter books to read to kids at bedtime
I think we’re a little young for Harry Potter, any recommendations on chapter books to read to kids at bedtime (or have them read). Our kids like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. TIA!
My Kinder-2nd grade students really enjoyed listening to the Magic Tree House series, there are like 50+ even if your kids are capable of reading that level, they enjoy listening
There’s a “younger” Nancy Drew series that my almost 7yr old is loving! Also you can’t go wrong with other classics like the Narnia books or other Roald Dahl. I recently took all the Dear America books from my parents’ house that my daughter has also been into!
We love Geronimo Stilton books!!!
Babysitters club and princess in black series
magic Treehouse
The Best (Worst) Christmas Pageant Ever is great! Mrs. Piggle Wiggle is awesome too.