Quick Fix for Head Cold?!
Allergies: our allergist said the dose on the box/bottle is the bare minimum so you can double during intense seasons (Claritin at night+allegra in the morning)
Cold: sinus rinse, and I try to drug myself with advil/mucinex. Hot steamy showers, zinc, vitamin d, melatonin at night to sleep. SO sorry!!
***not a doctor so def run it by your provider
Xlear Nasal Spray (or other saline sprays), IV Vitamin drip with Glutathione, Vit C, Lysine, Magnesium, Elderberry.
Are you taking Vit D? Vit D is a good boost to add while you're sick or sit outside in the sun. Lots of sleep. I also like melatonin at night to help promote better sleep. Limit dairy as it can increase mucus. Hope it passes qucikly!*Not a doctor either, just sharing what we do!"
As much sleep as you can! Laundry, dishes, whatever can wait, just go to bed when the kids do and get whatever rest you can. Once you feel better, all life things will be there waiting but that’s ok while you take care of yourself. Vitamin D, Vitamin C and if I start to feel a cold coming on, I also like to get an IV from health/wellness places to replenish vitamins and hydrate. *Also not a doctor but hoping to help!
Flonase, Afrin if I'm desperate. Maybe it's a placebo effect but I feel like peppermint, lemon balm and RC essential oils in a diffuser and on my chest (diluted in a carrier oil) helps. My husband swears by daily use of Navage. It's like an electric netipot and has made his allergy season manageable. I second Viracid and also do goldenseal, echinacea and Standard Process's sesame seed oil, thymex and congaplex. Melatonin has been shown to have some anti viral function and you have to sleep well to heal so I always add that in too!
Link to the Navage