Big sister not taking to newborn
Hi, my friend just had a baby 2 days ago. Her oldest (21 mos) has been hysterically crying since being introduced to baby brother. Any tips/tricks to help her through the transition? I told her to put more emphasis on her being a 'big sister' and less about the baby.
These are probably obvious but give big sister jobs around the house that make her feel special and big. Make sure to give her 1:1 time every single day. She will come around. So hard!!! Mix postpartum emotions in there and your doomed lol but she WILL come around
It is definitely a transition... some people will tell you weeks, I think ours was 6 months!!! I made a point to have special time with my first born even if it was 10 minutes with zero interruptions from the baby or anyone else. We called it "mommy special time". Some days it would be 30, but most it was realistically 10-15. I also made a point for my husband to help with the baby A LOT. I made sure to continue to bring first born to activies, and we switched off every other night who put first born to bed. It's def a transition, but its a phase that too will pass!! good luck mama!!