Overnight Babysitting
Curious how people pay babysitters if they are staying overnight. Do you pay the same rate for when the kids are asleep? Flat rate?
We have paid a flat rate of $250/day regardless of whether the day is simple or filled with carpool duties or is a Sunday Monday or Friday, etc.
Prior to this rate - we vetted with 4 other families who say the same.
We recently used the Bambino app and paid hourly for the entire weekend because we were in a bind! I talked to a friend that is a nanny and she said she normally charges hourly while the kids are awake, and a flat fee of $75-$100 for overnight. But I love the idea of $250 a day flat rate mentioned in the response below!
We pay hourly for the hours kids are awake and then a flat fee of $75-$100 each night for overnight.