Teachers, how do we best support you??
Hi Teachers! How can parents and room parents best support you during this school year??
Support throughout the year is essential to teachers. The amount may vary depending on the grade level but volunteering to read with students in the hallway, brining in needed supplies/snacks, helping set up and clean up from parties, chaperone field trips and creating a positive parent culture are all ways a teacher will feel supported. Teachers also feel supported and encouraged when positive feedback is given in response to emails. When parents work alongside teachers to help their child at home with school related assignments or activities it shows the teacher you care. These are things that set a teacher up for a smooth school year.
Nothing makes a teacher feel better than feeling trusted and supported as the educator of your children. It’s a long day as a teacher, an iced vanilla latte or a coke(whatever is their fav) goes a very long way to make the day a little better. Remember, your children’s teachers are there because the have a passion for teaching children, trust me, they wouldn’t be there otherwise! We all have the same goal…to help your children be engaged, supported and foster a love for learning all while respecting one another in the classroom community.