2 year old shrieking at nap time/middle of the night
Our two year old has started to wake in the middle of the night, and shrieks like a banshee until I’m worried she’s going to throw up. We’ve tried calming her, rocking her, letting her cry it out. It’s not night terrors, she’s definitely is awake and just ultimately gets pissed off and works herself up. Any advice?
Hi! Sorry I missed this post earlier, are these still happening @Lemon-Jackal? First, how old is your 2 year old? Closer to 2 or 3? Sometimes night wakes can be a sign that nap may need to be capped a bit during the day--what time is your nap for your little and how long? If it's a timing thing, working on that first will help, and then depending on age of your child I can help with some age-appropriate tips of how to tackle those night wakings!