Picky eater - HELP
My 4 year old is SUCH a picky eater!! I swear her behavior is linked to meals and being hungry. She seems to have such a small stomach and doesn’t even come close to finishing a meal. What can I do?!
Use bento box style plates and put the foods she will eat alongside new foods to try. Have a one bite rule - you can't say you don't like something until you've tried one bite.
Additionally, lean in to what she will eat and introduce variations of it - chickpea or lentil pasta and add the same sauce she likes to help disguise any change in taste.
Things that my picky eater will surprisingly eat - mini cucumbers (raw), Guacamole (mixed with Guacsalsa from TJs), Seaweed, sweet potato fries, and apples (sometimes with peanut butter). -
Just a mom not an expert, but I've always heard to pair "safe" foods with new foods. You're probably already doing that. I've also heard to keep introducing foods over and over again and like the other commenter said, to try different variations.
Maybe try some protein packed yogurt to fill her up or even protein shakes if pediatrician says it's okay? Also her blood sugar dipping could cause hangry so maybe snacks are a good option right now? I feel like I have more questions than answers here, sorry! lol
So frustrating!!!