Night terrors, fever dreams/nightmares, etc
Hey! Does anyone else’s child have night terrors when over tired?!? Or intense and alarming fever dreams?!? Do I need to talk to our pediatrician?!? He describes weird things ab his eyes and distorted vision when we discuss the next morning.
My son used to struggle with this a lot. We found if we kept to that sweet spot of not putting him to bed too late, they went away.
My son has them when he is EXTREMELY tired..they are crazy as well!! Sometimes like scared of the elephant in his room, and wants to get in the corner - very scary when your kid is acting like that! This homeopathic has SAVED us...
Homeopathic Stramonium. With a 6C does (low) my 5 YO stop having them within minutes of taking this. Also this can even be used for the younger kids at 6 months. Highly recommend!!!