How do you keep track of all of your kids jerseys /equipment? We are always looking for everything last minute!
How do you keep track of all of your kids jerseys /equipment? We are always looking for everything last minute!
We have dedicated baskets/bins in our laundry room to dump any sports/activity related gear into. I was always frantically hunting for stuff so decided to give a dedicated spot to it
I have a medium size plastic bin for each sport that is labeled, and kept in the garage, I throw everything in the respective bin and when we go to any sports, I toss the entire bin in the car (and hope and pray everything is really in there).
We have hooks in our garage. Each “sports” bag has the uniform and equipment. For example, the flag football bag has uniform shorts and jersey with the soft helmet, flags, cleats, mouth guard and basketball bag has the jersey, basektball, and shoes. We switch up the sports bag depending on the season!
I (try to) have my kids take off their sports clothes right after we get home and take them straight to the laundry room so they get washed in the next load since they’re right in front of me… then I keep them high on the top shelf in their closet so they don’t get mixed back in and we have to go hunting for it!
Separate sports bags for each sport