College saving tips
College is far off for my kids but I know we need to save up some serious money for it one day. What is the best method for saving for college??
There are different options but we opted for my529. You can read on the tax benefits. We have auto payments every month
I keep hearing about 529s but the vary by state. I know Utah always ranks high
@EveryoneShhh I should have clarified. We went with Utah 529 and yes it’s a popular one!
We also do a 529. At the time we just researched which state’s was the best/most popular
I'm so confused about the 529s. If they decide not to do collage (hopefully in 15+ years there's another options that's not as expensive) they can't use the money towards anything other than education. Are there any other options?
@Colorful-three you can change the beneficiary of 529 to another child if you have others going to school. You can also roll it into a Roth IRA (with some contribution limits) if you opt not use it for education