Chemical pregnancy
For medical reasons and a non viable pregnancy my obgyn offered me the choice to take the 2 pills (misoprostal) to attempt to miscarriage or go in for a D&C. Torn what to do and would love others experiences. I’ve heard sometimes the pills don’t work, and it’s also painful and can be a long process. Any advice would be appreciated!!
@bluedolphin ugh I am so sorry!!!!!! I’ve been through this and took the pills. I didn't want any other further scarring or complications on top of the loss.
The pills were not pleasant (not that any of this is ever pleasant), and there was really bad cramping for a day or two, much worse than my losses (3) that I just allowed to pass naturally. It was pretty much over after a couple days while the natural ones I bled for about a month each. It isn't a easy decision
brighter days ahead 🫶
I’m so sorry you’re going through this - I also took the pills once as I’d basically had to have an emergency D&C right after I delivered my first for retained placenta that was causing me to hemorrhage. Because of that, my Dr recommended the pills vs a D&C to minimize potential scarring. It was a really rough day or so physically, but overall the pills did what they were supposed to do! Praying for your peace in whatever you decide!
Had a blighted ovum which is a gestational sac with no fetus. Both times misoprotsol worked for me. But with the blight ovum I had to take it twice as I still had some leftover tissue after the first pill. I am sorry you are going through this. I know how it feels.