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Tweens and Teens

8 Topics 35 Posts
  • Hormones.... and how to discuss with your girls!

    This is SUCH a struggle because I was never taught about my hormones! And now at 34 I am learning about my own body!

    I wanted to share with the Mombrain community an upcoming event in Austin on Friday, May 17th at Vintage Book Store about this topic!

    There's a woman named Bailey who wrote a book and is on a mission to give girls a better foundation by providing hormone education early!

    She'll be selling copies of her books + hosting a discussion about this topic but she also does 1:1 coaching!

    Register for the event here:

    0 1 270
  • Lice help!!

    We just got the dreaded lice email from school. Freaking out. What do I need to know/do?? Helppppppp

    0 11 166
  • Teenage Girl Snuck Out and Was Drinking…

    Last Saturday I was woken up by my teenage daughter (15) sneaking back into the house at 4:00 AM smelling like alcohol and then discovered she had taken a bottle of vodka from our liquor cabinet.

    I am going through a lot of emotions about it—scared, angry, sad, disappointed are a few—but not sure exactly how to approach the situation. My main concern is her safety and just want her to ask me and communicate with me about risky behavior.

    Does anyone have any advice on what I should do or where this is headed!?! Please help!

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  • Private part talk - 7 year old

    Help! I know this behavior is “normal and curious” but would love help on how to navigate and talk sternly about the subject and actions. My 7 year old son and his girl cousin were touching each others privates. We have had this talk about privates are for no one else but himself, mom/dad and doctors. We also talked to him about how it is NEVER okay to do that. I’m torn between punishing him, because I’m freaked out / having a conversation and navigating it in a productive way. Would love advice!

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  • Weekday Playdates: how many?

    Hi! So my 4th grader asks for play dates every single day, I’ve explained we don’t do same day play dates due to homework, dinner, bedtime, etc. and since it puts so much pressure on the moms and last minute figuring out of all the things. Am I being a jerk? Do your kids have multiple play dates throughout the week? Should I be scheduling more and trying to make it happen? With my work schedule, homework, and managing multiple kids it seems overwhelming but my oldest thinks I’m ruining her life… would love to know if everyone else is easy going and maybe I am just overwhelmed by figuring it all out?

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  • Homework always ends in tears…it’s so bad

    Any advice on making homework less miserable? One of us always ends in tears. I hated homework when I was in school and I double hate it as a parent. Helppppppp waving my white flag before the semester has even started. My later elementary kid has mild adhd.

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  • Video Games - help!

    My son loves video games, we don’t have them but he goes to friends houses and plays them. I loved video games growing up, but I know they’ve changed. Would love any research, experience and all the things to help navigate when or never to introduce them, are their healthy good ones out there still?!

    0 3 38
  • Pierced Ears Help

    Any tips on constant infected ears? Thinking it’s from cheap earrings, but hoping for tips on cleaning and healing. Thanks y’all

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